Monday, July 6, 2009

The Idea

On this lovely day off from work, after reading an add for a movie regarding a woman following the Julia Child cookbook, I decided I needed a life project of my own. My love in life? Reading. Boring, I know. There really is nothing like a good book, tea, and some rain to make a pleasant day disappear in no-time.

My idea: starting August 1st (I may cheat as I get excited and start these things early) 2009, I will read the 4 top 100 lists on the Random House website for fiction and non fiction:

voted by the public at the time, and a rival list set up by the board. As I hardly read non-fiction, and feel I need to read more, I have included the non-fiction lists to do as well.

My time line? 5 years. Whether or not I meet this, this is my goal. Who knows how realistic this is, but there are some duplications between the lists. I have also read a couple of the books already, so I will save those until the end, but as it has been a while since I have read them, I feel I should reread them again.

I also probably won't read them in order either. I hate the confines of reading by a list. I won't promise to finish all of them, but I will try. I also hate not finishing a book. It kills me to put it down and move on.

August 1, 2014, here I come. Wow. 2014 - crazy. Who knows what else will happen in my life between now and then, but I'm going to finish these lists (and hopefully be a little wiser :)).

Welcome to my blog - my first! I may not have any readers, but it's mostly for me to track my project.

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