Sunday, July 12, 2009

And I begin...

Jumping at the chance to start, I bought Ulysses by James Joyce, number 1 on the boards' list. It's a large book, and none-too-easy, I suspect. I think my renewals that the library would run out. So it will sit there until I'm motivated to start reading it.

I have started the prelogue of The Great Gatsby, number 2 on the board's list and number 13 on the reader's poll.

The prelogue touts Jay Gatsby to be America's greatest character of all time, so we shall see.

Monday, July 6, 2009

The Idea

On this lovely day off from work, after reading an add for a movie regarding a woman following the Julia Child cookbook, I decided I needed a life project of my own. My love in life? Reading. Boring, I know. There really is nothing like a good book, tea, and some rain to make a pleasant day disappear in no-time.

My idea: starting August 1st (I may cheat as I get excited and start these things early) 2009, I will read the 4 top 100 lists on the Random House website for fiction and non fiction:

voted by the public at the time, and a rival list set up by the board. As I hardly read non-fiction, and feel I need to read more, I have included the non-fiction lists to do as well.

My time line? 5 years. Whether or not I meet this, this is my goal. Who knows how realistic this is, but there are some duplications between the lists. I have also read a couple of the books already, so I will save those until the end, but as it has been a while since I have read them, I feel I should reread them again.

I also probably won't read them in order either. I hate the confines of reading by a list. I won't promise to finish all of them, but I will try. I also hate not finishing a book. It kills me to put it down and move on.

August 1, 2014, here I come. Wow. 2014 - crazy. Who knows what else will happen in my life between now and then, but I'm going to finish these lists (and hopefully be a little wiser :)).

Welcome to my blog - my first! I may not have any readers, but it's mostly for me to track my project.