So, in the middle of 1984, and can't get past approx. 30 pages of political ramblings from the works of Mr. Goldstein. On and on and on and on and on. I am not one to give up on a challenge, nor one to skip a section of a book, so I will plough on, but, struggling at the moment. The Kindly Ones is also not a late night pure-entertainment read, but since I have Late Nights on Air signed out still, maybe I will start that.! At this rate, the list will take me a century to complete! And I have way too many things to do. I am NOT going to let 30 pages of political ramblings and philosophy stop me...this will hardly be the most challenging book on the list. I will prevail...just....tomorrow morning. Not tonight.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Loving it...forgetting it...

Ok, I am loving 1984. Although I'm finding the love story between the ages a little weird right now. The book is all about establishing suspicion, yet this love story happens out of the middle of no where. Odd, but otherwise good.
Along the same lines as The Children of Men movie, a genre of near future, realisitc disasters. Even though this book is supposedly set in 1984 (who really knows), it applies to today as well.
Enjoying it, enjoying...then forgetting it on my desk at work. What in the meantime?
So, lo-and-behold, there is a book hold ready pick up - The Kindly Ones, by Jonathon Littell, full of sex, history, and war. Eight pages short of 1000, it's a hefty hardcover. Can I read it in conjunction with 1984...I think so!!!
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